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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

Post by upcsgart Sat May 09, 2015 6:51 am

(I've edited this post, and have added to it as well, in order to make my ideas a little more clear and organized)

Hi Friends!

I'm hope I'm not stepping on any toes here, as I appreciate the theme and 'fetish' of this genre. But for myself, there's something far hotter than Supergirls in peril, and I'd like to know,

..Would it be possible to do live comics/pics not only based on super heroines in peril as you already have, but super powerful females who are so strong, they over power super powerful characters on Superman's level?

My ultimate fantasy, is females who are so strong, physically that is, they easily over power super powerful men on Superman's level, and beyond!

For myself, the stronger she is, the sexier it is! Superman can push a planet, but a 'Super Goddess', but we can imagine that she would easily toss the mass of an entire Star through the Cosmos. The level of strength which I call, Ultra Powerful Cosmic Super Goddess'

One who's so strong, she can easily take on and outmatch all of the super powerful males from the Universes of DC and Marvel at the same time, and I mean those on 'god' type level of super strength! Or stronger than the entire race of Kryptonians all charged by a yellow sun! Or, for fun of this fantasy, we can imagine that if every powerful character on Super and god-like strength had two giant blocks of ultra dense material, and were trying to crush her from both sides full of these characters trying to crush and press against her, that she'd easily push against them without any effort!

For the sake of this fantasy, we can imagine she's so powerful, she can grab two of these super beings by their throats at the same time, and effortlessly hold them off the ground while they struggle with all their strength and the upper-body power in their arms, which she doesn't even feel in her fingers that are gripping their throats! (And this scene would easily be doable, if we just 'talked up' the heroes and their super extraordinary powers before hand!)

And finally, we can imagine she's so strong, that she can toss the mass of planets and stars, and yet these things are nothing to her Super Goddess level of Cosmic Super Goddess Strength! I'm rambling about my all-time and really only fantasy crush, but at least it's clear that I like my Super Goddesses beyond any level of 'Super' Strength than we can imagine!

I'm not sure if you guys would be willing, but some pics of Superman, or something like him (copyrights I know) who's strong enough to push worlds, getting lifted up by his throat by one hand, or maybe two of these heroes at the same time, or pressed above her head sometimes in both hands, or sometimes by one hand, and sometimes on his front side, and sometimes by one hand by his back, his belt/abdomen, groin, or the small of his back, or hanging upside down by his foot by the effortless Cosmic Super Strength of a Super Goddess, would be so awesome!

I have a lot of friends who have this 'Ultra Powerful Female' or 'Super Goddess' type fantasy as well, and I'm sure we would all love to see something like this if it's doable and liked as an idea, and be willing to purchase the works!

Thanks my friends for the awesome site and beautiful models and great live comics!

some of my 3D and the type of ideas I'd love to see, and would easily purchase if they were produced here, can here for free! http://upcsgart.deviantart.com/

(The following was added to this thread well after it's original post, which is why subsequent posts attached here might sound like they're repeating)

I do not want the other models to think they are not likewise beautiful, but some pics a fellow artist of 'Tiffany Chase' on that site I belong to above, is what brought me here when I had asked him who it was! And after perusing these forms, it seems like just about every other thread I read, mentions her! They are all beautiful and gorgeous models, but man, she's got that incredibly soft and unique look that makes her beauty so intriguing and hard to figure out! No wonder everyone here, including myself seems to make mention of her! This is why I'd absolutely love to see her considered for this role, and depicted as the most powerful being in the Universe! And 'oh my God' if she'd consider dying her hair a bright red color for it! See my work on the link above, and you'll see why!  Shocked  bounce

Last edited by upcsgart on Sun May 10, 2015 3:12 am; edited 3 times in total


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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Re: Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

Post by F Sat May 09, 2015 11:51 am

Interesting idea ... but I suppose to make this work, you'd have to bring it down a few notches. I mean: it is hard to picture her tossing around planets and even harder to "feel" what that means. Your pics are great: so, better start with a very powerful guy, who can beat up a bunch of guys singlehandedly or lift large stones ... and then a more powerful female. That could do the trick.


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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Re: Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

Post by upcsgart Sat May 09, 2015 4:22 pm

Absolutely F!

Yeah I wasn't trying to say 'make pictures of her tossing planets' but just using the implementation of dialogue and back stories to help us understand that she's that powerful! lol  Very Happy

I agree with you though! And I like your idea, and if the site producers liked the overall idea of making a portion of this site where the fetish for heroines is flipped into them being the one's who extremely powerful and unstoppable, and able to effortlessly lift, toss, and overpower the male heroes who are supposed to be powerful already around like they're nothing, I think there's a lot where we could use our 'imagination' to depict this idea using simple ideas!

For instance, something like just as the male Super character (who she's about to handle) comes into view of the camera, he's introduced with fonts and texts, that explain who he is, what his powers are, and that he's so powerful, he could do these things such as move planets etc.

Or story could be built with him talking to someone, and thinking there's another being who just arrived on Earth, that by mistake assumes is just another 'Super' Being like he is. Of course he'd learn the hard way when he first encounters her, and discovers just how powerful she actually is, that is, far beyond any kind of 'Superman', and on a level known as Cosmic Super Goddess!

Or, have an episode where reporters are around him, as he's doing some simple car lifts and talking to the people who are present and filming him, about how doing things like this is nothing to him, because he's strong enough to move planets!

Or do something like you said, which was also a great idea!

But just the idea of seeing a model as beautiful as someone like Moonstar (Tiffany Chase) on here, playing a character who's as strong as I've described and holding a one of these 'Super' type men up effortlessly by his throat, or doing it to two of them at the same time, would be a lot of fun and very sexy! And, I think it's even more fun and sexy when people in the episode watch this happening, and do so in fear and awe at the display of her strength that is so easily taking on and overpowering these heroes they thought to be 'all powerful!'

But some simple ideas to build upon, such as some dialogue with him, them (if there's multiple heroes and villains who try to stop her, and who might even align themselves since they realize she's so powerful) or her talking about how strong she is when she's holding them, as well as a few of these 'lifts' mentioned above, and I don't think it'd be that hard to make actually!

If this site was willing to something for this side of the genre, then I'm sure the more quality they could make it, the more I'd be able to bring some friends over who share the same interest and love for our version of the Super Heroine Fantasy and Fetish, where She's the one who's completely unstoppable and effortlessly dominating all others even combined, by her level of Cosmic Super Goddess Strength!

Thanks for the reply and for the ideas! Very Happy

Last edited by upcsgart on Sun May 10, 2015 1:58 am; edited 2 times in total


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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Re: Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

Post by upcsgart Sat May 09, 2015 4:48 pm

I forgot to mention, another thing I love being depicted is not only that she's far more powerful than these Super Beings, but much faster too!

An idea I've always loved, is using his super speed that's a blur to humans, the male character goes to punch our Super Goddess a bunch repeatedly, and perhaps in her abdomen, while she just stands there completely unneffected! (Perhaps even yawning as taunt) Then as a quick last second idea, he decides to punch her in the face, which of course wouldn't have hurt her at all. But instead of his fist reaching her, she stops it in mid air and at a speed that he can't even recognize!

From here, it's really fun to think she'd crush his hand down in hers, and after he drops to his knees while still holding his hand in her crushing grip, she lets go, and grabs him by the throat, as she lifts him up on off the ground! An idea I've always loved! And again, doing this to two of these heroes or villains and at the same time, would be even hotter! Very Happy

Last edited by upcsgart on Sun May 10, 2015 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total


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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Re: Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

Post by upcsgart Sat May 09, 2015 6:08 pm

(A few more thoughts on this topic)

And then of course the other powers that fall in line with those any Super Woman, let alone, 'Cosmic Super Goddess' should have! Laser eyes, frost breath, etc, but on a much much more damaging and effective scale.

Going with the idea for a proposed episode, (and maybe more if you guys like it, and something like this is a success for this site) perhaps after seeing how strong and powerful she is, they try and use things like laser vision, frost breath, etc, while she just stands there completely uneffected. And when she uses those same powers back on them, it's much more devastating.

For myself, strength, far beyond anything 'Super' we can imagine must be there for it to be a part of my fantasies and love for this genre! As long as it's there, things like flight abilities, as well as speed far faster than what these Super Beings already possess become the next most important! And finally, these other powers (heat vision, frost breath etc) but again out-classing theirs become the next most important powers to me! But without the first one (Unstoppable Cosmic Strength) being depicted, the rest wouldn't matter for the particular fantasy crushes I have and love! 

As another possible idea, there's a scene on one of the previews I was watching, (can't remember what it was called) when a little blonde 'Supergirl' type looking character (who was poisoned I think?) knocks Tiffany Chase's character through the roof at a fast speed, using a visual effect that looked pretty good actually!

If this site considered any of these ideas, I think it would be so fun and sexy if this 'Super Goddess' was holding two of these super powerful male heroes or villains up by their throats, and then effortlessly tossed them out of site after they had both passed out from her crushing grip when she was finished with them, using something like this type of effect!

By the way, she doesn't have to be bigger than them in anyway. In fact for many of us who love the Powerful Female genre, we love it when the much more powerful female character, is smaller than the Super males she's effortlessly tossing around and over powering, and in the same way women are naturally smaller in size than men! Being smaller in overall size, and yet so incredibly strong and powerful is what makes it so fun and sexy! So again, nothing special is needed here except a model (Again I'd love to see T.Chase as this Super Goddess I've described) and some good male actors who'd make great 'Super' characters.

But just like in my work, (link posted on this original thread) my 'Super Goddess' is far smaller in actual height etc, than the Superman type character she's easily tossing around and overpowering at every opportunity!

I'm just expressing ideas I'd love to see happen! But even if this is something you guys aren't interested in, or don't think it's beneficial to this site, thanks for allowing me share and post all these ideas anyways! Very Happy

Last edited by upcsgart on Sun May 10, 2015 2:12 am; edited 1 time in total


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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Re: Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

Post by upcsgart Sat May 09, 2015 6:30 pm

If anyone does take a look at my work, you'll notice that often my main 'toon' (character that is) is quite 'buff' looking. Other times she has a more lean and 'athletically toned' look.

This is because in our story, she goes through 'power ups' where she continues with time to get stronger and stronger! In our story, every time she does one of these 'power ups' (usually whenever she at first becomes challenged by the weight or resistance of something, or the strength of another powerful being) she temporarily 'bulks' up in muscle mass, and then reduces back down in size over time, while not losing the strength she gained, having become permanently stronger every time she goes through this (usually by 4x or even 10x, but sometimes more)

But this 'muscle' mass I give her, is just for the fun and the 'comic' type appeal of the art and fantasy of this genre, and to help depict the incredible Super Goddess Strength and Power she possesses after one of these 'power ups', and not something that would have to be there for us to see something like I've requested.

Someone like T.Chase would be fine and perfect if we could just see her doing feats that depict her having this much raw power! As a 'real life' character, someone like her, or the other beautiful models you have here would be perfect just the way they are!


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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Re: Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

Post by Fatenano SSG Sat May 16, 2015 5:12 pm

i love these kind of girls, the stronger the better super man is like a little fragile doll in their hands Cool

Fatenano SSG

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Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman! Empty Re: Super Goddess Whos Far More Powerful Than Superman!

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