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Henchwomen/female minions?

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Henchwomen/female minions? Empty Henchwomen/female minions?

Post by Amazon Shark Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:38 pm

I was going to post this in the "anything missing?" thread, but I thought this is a separate enough topic.

I'm a little "new" to this genre of videos, but it seems that between here, NGC, KAK, Heroine Movies, and other sites, it seems most people like this genre for the heroines kicking henchmen butt, and then losing to (usually) male villains.

Maybe I'm not part of the target audience, but I'd like to see the heroine beating up henchwomen, and win. I'm talking about the villain's nameless, identically dressed, minions, who role is just to provide an obstacle between the heroine and the main villain, and who are beaten up or killed by the heroine. Eventually, she can be defeated by the main villain, but as long as the heroine fights henchwomen and kicks their ass, I'd buy every video I saw like that, especially if the henchwomen are dressed in black leggings or tight black body suits. But the defeated henchwomen would also have to be seen lying around unconscious while the heroine fights more of them, lying in different positions and/or body piles, or after the henchwomen are defeated, we see them lying around while the heroine takes on the main villain.

You could even have the defeated henchwomen lying around while the main villain is defeating the heroine, and when she's defeated, we see her lying among the KO'd henchwomen that she herself defeated, while the villain could care less about checking on his/her goons.

Lots of mainstream movies and comic books feature the hero taking on henchmen, and more rarely, henchwomen. I see the theme is used sparingly around here, and from other producers, but it's definitely not the focus of any of the videos. And for it to be really convincing, there would have to be, for example, at least 4-5 girls to play the henchwomen, and maybe have them wear some kind of mask, like a lower face mask, so they can be reused without the audience knowing that the same actresses are being reused. Even mixing henchmen and henchwomen would be cool too, as long as they wear similar uniforms.

To make it seem more realistic, the heroine can struggle to take out some of the "stronger" minions, but eventually she succeeds.

I know you guys had henchwomen in the movie "Fate", or at least I think they were henchwomen, as there were 3 identically dressed girls who fought the heroine and lost. But we didn't really get to see them when they were defeated, except for a quick pan of their bodies. KAK is introducing henchwomen minions into their videos when their new F/F site launches. I've noticed NGC also has the occasional henchwomen, but again, I don't want to buy a $25 video for a scene that isn't even for the target audience, and might be a disappointing scene at that.

Just some ideas to consider; but I know a lot of people online that have similar interests in henchwomen as I do, and I can guarantee you would gain dozens or more of new customers if some of your videos had the heroine fighting a bevy of henchwomen, and taking them all out.

Is this something HL would consider?

Amazon Shark

Posts : 7
Join date : 2013-11-30

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Henchwomen/female minions? Empty Re: Henchwomen/female minions?

Post by maar13 Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:52 pm

The Idea is really cool, but I thing it all would came down to budget for them.

I am actually more into F/F action to be honest but That is a nicw idea for a big movie, maybe a group custom or something.


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Henchwomen/female minions? Empty Re: Henchwomen/female minions?

Post by maar13 Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:55 pm

Just one thing, the most people involved, the most cost for them and the most cost for the public audience, that is something you need to consider, so if you don't want to pay $25 then it might not happen at all.


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Henchwomen/female minions? Empty Re: Henchwomen/female minions?

Post by Logan Cross Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:36 am

That's exactly it actually... and even more importantly: females cost more than males to cast in these films. Probably even more importantly than that: there are FAR fewer females who can handle fight scenes and take a decent fall to be defeated in a scene like that.

I personally really like the idea and if I can get it, I'll try and get a scene like that for our upcoming "Shadowgirl" series. We're filming it a bit differently so we may have an opportunity, but it's really going to come down to cost. For this one, I considered opening it up as a Group Custom type idea, but that would be very difficult seeing as a) I need creative control over the pilot film and b) most ideas cost a lot of money and when they are in terms of someone else's funding, it takes extra time to try and 'meet in the middle' over certain things.

We'll see what happens... Smile **but again, I totally dig the concept so I'll keep it on the note board as I'm putting Shadowgirl together Wink
Logan Cross
Logan Cross

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Henchwomen/female minions? Empty Re: Henchwomen/female minions?

Post by Amazon Shark Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:31 am

^ Sounds awesome. I just had some ideas and thought I'd share. I'm glad you're into the concept, and I really believe you'd attract more customers. As I said, I've noticed other producers starting to have henchwomen in their movies.

About the money, I meant that I wouldn't want to spend $25 on a video with a 2 minute fight (out of a 25 minute video) that isn't necessarily made with someone like me in mind. But I'm basing that on previews, for all I know, I'm missing out on a couple of great scenes out there.

However, the heroine producers usually only have 1 henchwomen for the heroine to fight. That's why I liked Fate and Out of Time, the good guys had to fight at least 2-3 henchwomen, my only issue with those scenes was that we didn't get any good views of he defeated minions after they went down, and in Out of Time, they disappeared, which I don't like. And it doesn't have to be obvious, I'd actually rather the action continue around the defeated minions, and the camera follow the action, but still far back enough to see the minions on the ground. This is something I notice NGC does.

HL has some of the best choreographed fights in the business, and lovely ladies, which is why I brought this topic up here. Thanks for considering my ideas!!!

Amazon Shark

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Join date : 2013-11-30

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Henchwomen/female minions? Empty Re: Henchwomen/female minions?

Post by Amazon Shark Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:34 pm

Logan Cross wrote:I totally dig the concept so I'll keep it on the note board as I'm putting Shadowgirl together Wink

Did this ever happen?

Amazon Shark

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Join date : 2013-11-30

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